.. _ZBasicDefaultWindowManager: ZBasicDefaultWindowManager ========================== .. rst-class:: tw-facet-impl .. cpp:class:: Tui::ZBasicDefaultWindowManager : public Tui::ZDefaultWidgetManager This class is a basic implementation of :cpp:class:`Tui::ZDefaultWidgetManager`. For a given :cpp:class:`Tui::ZWidget` -- the dialog -- passed in the constructor, it stores one decendent of the dialog as default widget. :cpp:func:`bool Tui::ZDefaultWidgetManager::isDefaultWidgetActive() const` is reimplemented to return :cpp:expr:`true` iff there is a default widget and the widgets in the path of the currently focused widget to the dialog don't accept :kbd:`Enter`. If a widget accepts :kbd:`Enter` is determined by sending a ZEventType::queryAcceptsEnter event to it and it the event is accepted the widget is assumed to accept :kbd:`Enter` and thus the default window is not active.