.. _ZDefaultWidgetManager: ZDefaultWidgetManager ===================== In dialogs there is often a default widget that can be activated even if focus is on another widget using :kbd:`Enter`. This facet of the dialog window widget is used to coordinate this. Implementations of this facet stores a pointer to the default widget and implement logic to determine if the default widget is active and will receive :kbd:`Enter` events or if the focused widget will handle the :kbd:`Enter` key. See also: :cpp:class:`Tui::ZBasicDefaultWindowManager` .. rst-class:: tw-facet .. cpp:class:: Tui::ZDefaultWidgetManager : public QObject Policy facet for default widget handling. .. rst-class:: tw-pure-virtual .. cpp:function:: void setDefaultWidget(ZWidget *w) Saves the given widget ``w`` as the default widget for the dialog. .. rst-class:: tw-pure-virtual .. cpp:function:: ZWidget *defaultWidget() const Returns the current default widget of the dialog if any, or :cpp:expr:`nullptr`. .. rst-class:: tw-pure-virtual .. cpp:function:: bool isDefaultWidgetActive() const Determines if given the currently focused widget and possibly other state if the default widget will handle the :kbd:`Enter` key.