.. _ZImage: ZImage ====== .. cpp:class:: Tui::ZImage ZImage allows keeping terminal output in a memory buffer for later usage or to store and load. **Constructors** | :cpp:func:`ZImage(const Tui::ZTerminal *terminal, int width, int height)> ` **Static Functions** | :cpp:func:`~std::unique_ptr Tui::ZImage::fromFile(const Tui::ZTerminal *terminal, const QString &fileName)` | :cpp:func:`~std::unique_ptr Tui::ZImage::fromByteArray(const Tui::ZTerminal *terminal, QByteArray data)` **Functions** | :cpp:func:`~int Tui::ZImage::height() const` | :cpp:func:`~Tui::ZPainter Tui::ZImage::painter()` | :cpp:func:`~Tui::ZTextAttributes Tui::ZImage::peekAttributes(int x, int y) const` | :cpp:func:`~Tui::ZColor Tui::ZImage::peekBackground(int x, int y) const` | :cpp:func:`~Tui::ZColor Tui::ZImage::peekDecoration(int x, int y) const` | :cpp:func:`~Tui::ZColor Tui::ZImage::peekForground(int x, int y) const` | :cpp:func:`~bool Tui::ZImage::peekSoftwrapMarker(int x, int y) const` | :cpp:func:`~QString Tui::ZImage::peekText(int x, int y, int *left, int *right) const` | :cpp:func:`~bool Tui::ZImage::save(const QString &fileName) const` | :cpp:func:`~QByteArray Tui::ZImage::saveToByteArray() const` | :cpp:func:`~QSize Tui::ZImage::size() const` | :cpp:func:`swap(Tui::ZImage &other) ` | :cpp:func:`~int Tui::ZImage::width() const` Members ------- .. cpp:namespace:: Tui::ZImage .. cpp:function:: ZImage(const Tui::ZTerminal *terminal, int width, int height) Construct an empty image using terminal characteristics from ``terminal`` with the width ``width`` and height ``height``. .. rst-class:: tw-static .. cpp:function:: std::unique_ptr fromFile(const Tui::ZTerminal *terminal, const QString &fileName) Load an terminal image from the file named ``fileName`` and using the terminal characteristics from ``terminal``. Returns :cpp:expr:`nullptr` if the file could not be read or parsing failed. .. rst-class:: tw-static .. cpp:function:: std::unique_ptr fromByteArray(const Tui::ZTerminal *terminal, QByteArray data) Load an terminal image from memory buffer ``data`` and using the terminal characteristics from ``terminal``. Returns :cpp:expr:`nullptr` if the parsing failed. .. cpp:function:: int width() const .. cpp:function:: int height() const .. cpp:function:: QSize size() const Returns the size of the buffer. .. cpp:function:: bool save(const QString &fileName) const Save the contents of the image to file ``fileName``. Returns :cpp:expr:`true` on success. .. cpp:function:: QByteArray saveToByteArray() const Save the contents of the image to a memory buffer and returns it as :cpp:class:`QByteArray`. .. cpp:function:: QString peekText(int x, int y, int *left, int *right) const Get text of cluster covering the cell at position ``x``, ``y``. If not :cpp:expr:`nullptr`, ``left`` and ``right`` will be set to the left most respectivly right most cell covered by the cluster. .. cpp:function:: Tui::ZColor peekForground(int x, int y) const Get the foreground color of the cell at position ``x``, ``y``. .. cpp:function:: Tui::ZColor peekBackground(int x, int y) const Get the background color of the cell at position ``x``, ``y``. .. cpp:function:: Tui::ZColor peekDecoration(int x, int y) const Get the decoration color of the cell at position ``x``, ``y``. .. cpp:function:: bool peekSoftwrapMarker(int x, int y) const Returns :cpp:expr:`true` if the cell at position ``x``, ``y`` contains a softwrap marker. .. cpp:function:: Tui::ZTextAttributes peekAttributes(int x, int y) const Get the attributes of the cell at position ``x``, ``y``. .. cpp:function:: Tui::ZPainter painter() Returns a :cpp:class:`Tui::ZPainter` for painting on the image. .. cpp:function:: void swap(Tui::ZImage &other) Like ``std::swap`` for ``Tui::ZImage``. .. cpp:namespace:: NULL