.. _ZTextStyle: ZTextStyle ========== .. cpp:class:: Tui::ZTextStyle This class is copyable and movable. It does define comparison operators for equality. A container to combine foreground color, background color and text attributes. **Constructors** .. cpp:function:: ZTextStyle(Tui::ZColor fg, Tui::ZColor bg) .. cpp:function:: ZTextStyle(Tui::ZColor fg, Tui::ZColor bg, Tui::ZTextAttributes attributes) Construct an instance of the class using the given parameters as colors and if given as attributes. If no attributes are given, all attributes are cleared. **Functions** .. cpp:function:: Tui::ZColor foregroundColor() const .. cpp:function:: void setForegroundColor(const Tui::ZColor &foregroundColor) Get or set the stored foreground color. .. cpp:function:: Tui::ZColor backgroundColor() const .. cpp:function:: void setBackgroundColor(const Tui::ZColor &backgroundColor) Get or set the stored background color. .. cpp:function:: Tui::ZTextAttributes attributes() const .. cpp:function:: void setAttributes(Tui::ZTextAttributes attributes) Get or set the stored attributes.