Color handling in terminals works in distinct color kinds:
default color
named colors
indexed colors
rgb/direct colors
The default color further has the special property that it is displayed differently when uses as foreground color versus background color. That is using the default color as both foreground and background color usually yields readable high contrast text. The default color is often configurable separatly for the user of the terminal.
The named colors are 8 basic colors plus their bright variants. Terminal usually allow users to configure these colors and many users make use of that configability.
The indexed colors are divided into 3 parts. Color indicies 0-15 often correspond to the named colors, possible with some differences in handling (i.e. bright named colors might default to bold, while the same indicies might not use auto bold). The following color indicies are usually divided into a color cube and a ramp of grey tones.
The rgb colors allow direct usage of given rgb color values. The colors use 8 bit resolution for each color channel. But of course some terminals internally use lower resolution. If Tui Widgets knows the terminal does not support rgb color it internally translates them to indexed colors, because most terminals support those.
Of course terminals differ in support for color kinds. Also in some situations users expect the application to use named colors to fit with their selected color theming. Thus Tui Widgets exposes all color kinds discussed above and lets the application select which colors to use. Although the default palette uses rgb colors and the automatic conversion.
If the application uses RGB colors, it can additionally use the Tui::ZColorHSV
class to ease calculation of
related colors.
enum Tui::TerminalColor¶
enum represents the named terminal colors.-
enumerator black¶
enumerator darkGray¶
enumerator lightGray¶
enumerator brightWhite¶
enumerator blue¶
enumerator green¶
enumerator cyan¶
enumerator red¶
enumerator magenta¶
enumerator yellow¶
enumerator brightBlue¶
enumerator brightGreen¶
enumerator brightCyan¶
enumerator brightRed¶
enumerator brightMagenta¶
enumerator brightYellow¶
enumerator black¶
enum |
description |
enum (bright) |
description |
black (0) |
black |
darkGray (8) |
dark grey |
red (1) |
red |
brightRed (9) |
bright red |
green (2) |
green |
brightGreen (10) |
bright green |
yellow (3) |
yellow |
brightYellow (11) |
bright yellow |
blue (4) |
blue |
brightBlue (12) |
bright blue |
magenta (5) |
magenta |
brightMagenta (13) |
bright magenta |
cyan (6) |
cyan |
brightCyan (14) |
bright cyan |
lightGray (7) |
light gray |
brightWhite (15) |
white |
The following RGB colors are predefined as constants for application use in Tui::Colors
name |
description |
name (bright) |
description |
black |
black (#000000) |
darkGray |
dark grey (#555555) |
red |
red (#aa0000) |
brightRed |
bright red (#ff5555) |
green |
green (#00aa00) |
brightGreen |
bright green (#55ff55) |
yellow |
yellow (#aaaa00) |
brightYellow |
bright yellow (#ffff55) |
blue |
blue (#0000aa) |
brightBlue |
bright blue (#5555ff) |
magenta |
magenta (#aa00aa) |
brightMagenta |
bright magenta (#ff55ff) |
cyan |
cyan (#00aaaa) |
brightCyan |
bright cyan (#55ffff) |
lightGray |
light gray (#aaaaaa) |
brightWhite |
white (#ffffff) |
class Tui::ZColor¶
This class represents colors in Tui Widgets. It’s copyable, assignable and supports equality comparasion.
enum ColorType¶
enumerator RGB¶
enumerator Default¶
enumerator Terminal¶
enumerator TerminalIndexed¶
enumerator RGB¶
static functions
enum ColorType¶
ZColor(int r, int g, int b)¶
Creates an ZColor instance of type RGB using
as the color values.
int red() const¶
void setRed(int red)¶
int green() const¶
void setGreen(int green)¶
int blue() const¶
void setBlue(int blue)¶
Only for colorType() == ColorType::RGB.
Getters and setters for RGB values. If the setters are used on a color of another type the type will be changed to RGB and all other channels are set to zero.
Tui::ZColor fromRgb(int r, int g, int b)
to create a new instance with a specific rgb color.
int terminalColorIndexed() const¶
Only for colorType() == ColorType::TerminalIndexed.
Returns the index of the indexed color.
Tui::ZColor fromTerminalColorIndexed(int color)
to create a new instance with a specific indexed color.
Tui::TerminalColor terminalColor() const¶
Only for colorType() == ColorType::Terminal.
Returns the enum value of the named color.
Tui::ZColor fromTerminalColor(TerminalColor color)
to create a new instance with a specific named color.
int redOrGuess() const¶
int greenOrGuess() const¶
int blueOrGuess() const¶
Returns the color component for RGB type colors or a guess of the color component for other color types.
Tui::ZColorHSV toHsv() const¶
Returns the color converted to HSV. For non RGB type colors it uses guesses for the color like
redOrGuess() const
and co.
Tui::ZColor fromRgb(int r, int g, int b)¶
Returns a
with the RGB color with componentsr
Tui::ZColor fromTerminalColor(TerminalColor color)¶
Returns a
with the terminal colorcolor
Tui::ZColor fromTerminalColor(int color)¶
Returns a
with the terminal colorstatic_cast<Tui::TerminalColor>(color)
Tui::ZColor fromHsv(const Tui::ZColorHSV &hsv)¶
Returns a
with RGB type converted from the HSV colorhsv
Tui::ZColor fromHsv(double hue, double saturation, double value)¶
Returns a
with RGB type converted from the HSV color componentshue
.The ranges for the components are:
0 <= hue <= 360
0 <= saturation <= 1
0 <= value <= 1
Values outside are clipped for saturation and value. Values outside for hue are wrapped back into the allowed range.
Tui::ZColor fromHsvStrict(double hue, double saturation, double value)¶
fromHsv(double hue, double saturation, double value)
but only valid if the parameters are in the allowed range.
Tui::ZColor fromHsvStrict(const Tui::ZColorHSV &hsv)¶
ZColorHSV &hsv)
but only valid if the components inhsv
are in the allowed range.
class Tui::ZColorHSV¶
is a simple class to store a color as hue, saturation and value.It’s copyable, assignable and supports equality comparasion.
double hue() const¶
void setHue(double hue)¶
double saturation() const¶
void setSaturation(double saturation)¶
double value() const¶
void setValue(double value)¶
All components have getters and setters.
double hue() const¶